
Register For The Convention

REGISTRATION IS REQUIRED FOR EACH PERSON, including spouses. Registration fees allow one to attend all the educational sessions as well as enter the exhibit area. Membership in one of the six sponsoring organizations entitles all the persons from a farm (family members or employees) to register at the discounted member rate according to registration rates on the right.   Non-members can register with any of the groups – although any of the groups would welcome your membership to allow you to take advantage of the membership discount rates.

Pre-registration for the pre-convention workshops and bus tour is required.  Fees for the pre-convention workshops and bus tour are in addition to registration fees for the main Convention.  Persons who are only attending a pre-convention workshop or the bus tour on January 27 do not need to register for the main Convention if they are only attending a workshop or the tour.

Walk-in registrations are welcome and will be accepted by all associations each day. Reach out to your association for additional information.

Maryland State Horticultural Society  

New Jersey State Horticultural Society   

Pennsylvania Vegetable Growers Association    

State Horticultural Association of Pennsylvania 

Virginia State Horticultural Society     

2025 Registration Rates

Member Registration

One fee covers attendance for all three days.  No meals are included.

Advance – first person from a farm or family – $80 per person

Advance – additional persons from a farm or family – $65 per person

Late/Walk-In – $95 per person

Non-Member Registration

Non-members can register as non-members with any of the groups

One Day – $130 per person

Two or Three Days – $170 per person

Respirator Fit Testing 

Dates for the testing and registration Information can be found on the schedule page.